
Austrian spa architecture - a success story

Being a woman in an industry dominated by men has always been hard work. Silvia Lederer can take it in her stride: As a graduate engineer in architecture, she has been the ideal consultant and perfect interface between creative vision and built reality for Agrob Buchtal since 1983.

Her strong back office, which she can rely on blindly: Maria Six in the back office, who by pure coincidence started at Agrob Buchtal at the same time as Silvia Lederer on 1 September 1983, directs tenders and orders in the right direction. The two are a perfectly coordinated team, the yin and yang of their own success story, which has made some of Austria's most beautiful wellness dreams come true: the Paracelsus Bad & Kurhaus in Salzburg, the Römertherme in Baden in Lower Austria, the Sonnentherme in Lutzmannsburg in Styria or the St. Martinstherme in Burgenland.

In the field of swimming pool ceramics alone - from competition pools to leisure pools, hotel pools, therapy pools and thermal baths, spa and wellness concepts - expert Silvia Lederer has accompanied and realised more than 100 projects, large-scale facilities and private pools in Austria in 40 years.

It is fair to say that Silvia Lederer is "known as a colourful dog" in the industry. She is in and out of renowned architects' offices - her expertise and her talent for translating designs into ceramics are highly valued and have significantly shaped the success of the Agrob Buchtal brand in Austria. "We grew together and learnt something new with every project" - the sales representative sees herself as a problem solver, advisor and source of inspiration. She is a professional when it comes to constructive aspects and is passionate about the design part. Almost by chance, this brings her full circle to her personal past as a competitive swimmer. Determination, strength and endurance are practically in her DNA. Beyond the horizon, the journey continues. And water is her element.

"I never had to earn respect, it was there right from the start," says Lederer. Thanks to her in-depth expertise and experience, the graduate engineer was able to communicate with all trades on an equal footing. She was and is the face of the brand in the field and a real institution.

Lederer and Six agree that the wind in the business has become rougher and communication faster than ever. Pools are no longer just rectangular shoeboxes; swimming pool construction has become more complex in every respect. Silvia Lederer and Maria Six take a positive view: they have remained curious and inquisitive throughout the years and have kept up with and helped to shape the changing times. For the future, Silvia Lederer hopes that she can continue to maintain her "curiosity, effervescence and charm". Incidentally, the property consultant herself had never been to a thermal bath or spa in her private life - until her 60th birthday, when colleagues gave her exactly that as a present.

This autumn, Silvia Lederer and Maria Six celebrated their 40th anniversary at Agrob Buchtal - their "ceramic family". Congratulations to them. And the greatest respect!

Gabriele Busse (Senior PR Manager)
Deutsche Steinzeug Cremer & Breuer AG
T. +49 (0)228 391-1104
M. +49 (0)151 14976931

Paracelsus Bad Kurhaus Salzburg 36-(1)-Rillenplatte



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