Bathroom design

Formats, colours, joints

A variety of tile formats offers infinite possibilities for design. Horizontal formats can perform real miracles in narrow rooms, for example. Emphasise walls using horizontal strips, borders or colourful areas. Horizontal ribbons and rectangular formats attribute rooms an optical width while vertical formats are the right choice for low rooms. Striped looks create a dynamism which guides the eye upward creating an impression of greater room height. 

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Dark or light - warm or cool

Light, colour and surface merge to form a uniform sense of space. The more daylight flooding the bathroom, the more generously you can experiment with dark highlights. Dark, matt colourareas make the room seem smaller while glossy and bright colours extend your bathroom. High rooms with dark ceilings feel lower while extremely narrow bathrooms are attributed pleasant proportions when they feature a dark back wall. 

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The same effect can be achieved by using colours: warm colours conjure up a feeling of security while cool colours and pastel shades ensure optical depth and clarity. Light natural colours are particularly suitable in combination as they exude a timeless elegance and form the ideal basis for individual highlights.

Those who enjoy playing with decorative elements should design walls and floors in subtle tone-in-tone colours. Various colours of the same intensity and finely-graded colour accentuations go well together. A large selection of decorative tiles and mosaics helps to loosen up larger areas. But be careful: while large rooms can cope with strong patterns, they can easily appear too suffocating in smaller bathrooms. They should therefore be limited to decorative highlights behind the washstand or in a niche.

Light sets the scene!

Golden details and structured surfaces become real highlights in the bathroom when set in the right light. Glossy colours and metallic highlights demand plenty of brightness to enable them to reflect their sheen into the room. Surfaces are best presented when exposed to light falling from the side. Spots integrated in the ceiling or strips of lighting in the wall niche are eminently suitable for achieving such light rays. Or day light! 

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Tone in tone or deliberately set contrasts

The size and colour of joins as well as the format and final tile shape also determine the effect within the room. Contrasting joins emphasise individual tiles while joints and tiles of the same colour ensure visually consistent surfaces. This inviting spaciousness is not only attractive in small rooms.

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The tiny little stones for organic shapes

Mosaics are particularly suitable for creative layouts as they offer a high degree of design freedom and flexibility. Small mosaic tiles can also highlight individual curved walls and organic shapes. By the way, different formats can be combined well. The most important thing is that the pattern is coherent and the joints are clearly contoured.

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