
Urban Lakeside Aspern

Wien, Austria
Architekturbüro Albert Wimmer (AWZT)

Inside out

Seestadt Aspern (N48° 13′ 34″ E16° 30′ 20″) is one of Vienna's oldest residential areas and Europe's largest urban development projects. In the 22nd district, housing and work for at least 20,000 people is to be developed by 2028. With a focus on climate-sensitive urban design, the new district emphasizes quality public spaces, the inclusion of nature, social diversity and design sustainability. In the middle of it all is a residential complex that, with its intense blue ceramic facades from Agrob Buchtal's KerAion series, adds a real bang to the master plan.

Quality through scale

The residential building was planned by Viennese architects Albert Wimmer (AWZT). Instead of "Viennese block," the architect opted for open perimeter development, skillfully combining an ensemble of four individual buildings to create an inviting neighborhood. This is made visible by the ceramic shell as a design bracket. The blue of the "design glazed" colors of the KerAion tiles in the outer facade skin contrasts clearly with the white plaster of the inner courtyard world, attracts the eye and lets passers-by from near and far enjoy the view.The blue of the KerAion panels in the outer façade skin stands out clearly against the white plaster of the inner courtyard world, attracting the eye and allowing passers-by from near and far to explore exciting views and insights of an architecture that Albert Wimmer designed in every detail with the scale that defines urban development quality and guarantees buildings a long life.

Façade makes climate

With the KerAion system, Albert Wimmer architects also thought ahead to the climate when planning the façade. In addition to the low weight, material and energy consumption of the 8mm thin, but consistently robust striking ceramic panel, the long service life and a building material that can not only be completely recycled but also deconstructed and reused with the Agrob Buchtal system for rear-ventilated facades are convincing. Factory-equipped with Hytect technology, the KerAion delivers an innovative envelope that provides economic and environmental added value through its self-washing effect and the reduction of air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide. This is already a benefit for the "aspern klimafit" program, which was set up to consistently minimize climate impacts from building construction.

Seestadt Aspern Wien 23
Seestadt Aspern Wien 17
Seestadt Aspern Wien 19
Seestadt Aspern Wien 23
Seestadt Aspern Wien 08
Seestadt Aspern Wien 17
Seestadt Aspern Wien 19
Seestadt Aspern Wien 13
Seestadt Aspern Wien 23
Seestadt Aspern Wien 08
Seestadt Aspern Wien 17
Seestadt Aspern Wien 19
Seestadt Aspern Wien 13
Photographer: Fotodesign Peters, Amerang

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