Winner: Agnes Morguet, Innenarchitektur & Design, Germany

Stay Unique

Color and psychology: in custom-designable rooms, the interior designer Agnes Morguet from Cologne spurs on memories and conserves history for residents in nursing or care homes. This creates communicative designs with emotional power.

“The core of the design is the deliberate use of color moods with reference to certain living spaces. Through their integration into the room, one’s roots, stories and memories are stored in the abstract color and composition of a traditional material: the tile. The tile patterns always harmonise with the furniture and interior design like in the concept for the group room. Four mood boards are available based on image templates of different moods. A configurator demonstrates the possible tiles in terms of colors and sizes for the tile grid – from the Plural, Valley or Emotion series. The transition of the tile between the wall and the ceiling gives the emotion more depth. For floors, a natural, large tile was chosen in order to promote accessibility. An interplay of colors and silence thus comes together in creative harmony.”

Agnes Morguet


Agnes Morguet, Innenarchitektur und Design, Cologne, Germany

The work shows [...] a hopeful outlook in a difficult environment.

The author of this work has made a successful connection between an idea that is not new, namely the pixelisation of large-size images in the form of a mural, and their potential use in nursing homes – and has shown great understanding in her realisation of this project. Especially through its element of abstraction, there is no impression of glaring kitchiness. The natural coloring is timeless.

– The Tile Award jury

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