
Three questions for Ushi Tamborriello

Ushi Tamborriello, owner of the eponymous Swiss studio ushitamborriello, specialises in the interior design of pools and spas, hotels, restaurants, film sets and exhibition spaces. Especially in the field of pools and spas, she has extensive experience with Agrob Buchtal products.

about: Color plays an important role in your work.

Ushi Tamborriello: For me, color in architecture is directly connected to material and light. That is the only way I can think of it. It is always in relation to other sensorial experiences – such as temperature, humidity, haptics, proportions and form – that color can determine the atmosphere of a space. And when it comes to color, the words of Josef Albers are very true: “Only appearances are not deceptive”.

about: How do you see the interaction between color and all those other aspects in this particular design?

Ushi Tamborriello: This design is driven by the desire to create a feel-good environment that is not only oriented inwardly but connected to its context as well. There is an almost seamless transition here from the artificial interior world to the natural surroundings, with the strong symbol of this red path in between, that enables perception of the depth of the space. The complementary contrast between the red inside and the green outside supports this simultaneous experience of two worlds. The interior consists of spaces with particular functions and atmospheric settings (rain, moisture, water, heat, light, rest and cleansing). We use the multitude of dimensions and colors offered by ChromaPlural to enhance the perspectivist effect of the spaces and to create differences between the various areas of application. For our design, we mainly stayed within a warm palette, juxtaposing earthy reds against neutral greys. The ceramic material meets many practical requirements yet it can also offer the user a world full of promise.

about: Is color something fashionable for you?

Ushi Tamborriello: Yes and no. There are certainly color fashions which in retrospect are recognisable as signs of the time. In our projects though, we try less to catch the trend of the moment than to look for the coherence of the built space; we aim for architecture that can be understood as the only conceivable interaction between a particular place, time and function.
